

I think it's going to take me a lot longer to do my homework now...


So it's been a while

I have so many things to tell the world I don't know if I will remember them all...

Last June Russ moved to Seattle because he got a job in a research lab. We are almost at the 4 month mark of being apart. Overall I think that things are going well but I do get very lonely now. This past weekend and the weekend before I have had Ultimate frisbee tournaments and it has been great because I have been with people all the time and I haven't had to sleep alone, which is the thing I hate most about Russ moving away.

I am much more involved in Ultimate than I have been in the past because I am the travel coordinator and therefore I have to plan how we are getting to and from the tournaments and where we are staying if we are not coming home in the middle. It can be quite frustrating at times. Our team really seems to be coming together this year also, we have a lot of great new players and everyone is really committed to the team. I do wish that I had more time to work out but if that's my biggest complaint I think I'm doing okay.

This semester I am taking 17 credits which is a lot for me. I am taking Physiology Lecture, and Lab, writing my major paper, Genetics, Nutrition, and Anthropology. Things are now starting to pile up but in two weeks I will have another breather to catch up with everything else (at the moment I am procrastinating homework that I really should be doing).

My new job is wonderful, I really love working with my residents and I wish that I had more time to work. I just have to keep reminding myself that school needs to come first at this point, but it is difficult because I feel as though my job is more important because it is these peoples lives and when I work I know that I am making a difference for them. I don't really feel this way when I take a test at school.

Anyway, I should get back to that homework that I don't want to do....



I miss my mom more now that I am home and when I was in Denmark. We used to talk every Saturday morning and update each other about life and thoughts. Now that I am home we no longer talk on a regular basis and I'm starting to miss it. I've got a really stressful and busy 2 days ahead of me (a test a day, biochemistry and anatomy). Friday afternoon I'm flying to Salem OR to visit Elsa! My mom just sent me an email wishing me luck on my tests and saying maybe we could skype while I'm in OR. Now I miss talking to her. This may be exaggerated by the fact that it is past my bedtime and I'm sick and alone but... that's life.


Bank Update

I went to the bank and talked to a very nice teller and he gave me my card back. Also, I drank to much coffee this morning, so I think I looked like I was freaking out. Because when I drink to much coffee I start shaking, but I think this worked to my advantage. I also started our conversation in danish which probably helped also. Now I'm still shaking, but I have my card back.



An ATM ate my card. The bank will not give it back to me unless my bank, from home, faxes them a statement saying there is nothing wrong with my card. This is because ATM's generally only take card when there is something wrong with them, but in my case the ATM turned off in the middle of the transaction and did not give me my card back. This does not seem as though it should be stressful, but it has become so. I called my bank at home and they were more than happy to fax a statement to the Danish bank, but this is the problem. The fax number for the Danish bank is not working for my bank at home. If the fax does not go through the Danish bank will be sending my card back to the United States.

I don't know what to do. It seems as though I will be living off of 1ooo kr for the next six weeks. I don't think that this is going to work out very well seeing at that is about $200.



I love Halloween! I didn't really think that I was going to dress up this year, but yesterday I found out if you dress up and go out bars will give you free drinks! Therefore I am dressing up as a doll because it's easy, and I could do it on the fly. See!


Home sick and real sick

I've been getting progressively more and more home sick as the time goes by. I also have a feeling that this week is going to suck. I have three tests this week. I also have 100 more words in Danish to write for my paper that is due tomorrow.

I got sick last night and I had to miss two of my classes today. I tried to go but after my danish class I just felt so awful that I came home and slept 4 hours. I'm still to sick to eat real food, all I've have today is applesauce and sparkling water. I hate being sick.

But I seem to be pretty good at moping about it.